Gear-cutting work
Cut gears metric and inch profile.
Soaking or otherwise inch module is not included in state standards (ГОСТ) and has come to us from the West, where the gears "determined" diametrical pitch (the DP) module instead of the metric (m). Thus - with gears Soaking module manufactured by Western standards, and is rarely used in the production of the former Soviet Union.
Basically Soaking system is used to import devices and mechanisms, most often in the printing machines, equipment for the production of paper bags and equipment for food production.
Basically Soaking system is used to import devices and mechanisms, most often in the printing machines, equipment for the production of paper bags and equipment for food production.
Gear-cutting work:
- Cylindrical gears with straight teeth of the outer engagement: - max diameter of 800 mm, max / min module 10 mm ... 1 mm (diametric pitch Dp6, Dp8, Dp10, Dp12, Dp14, Dp16 angle α = 20°, α = 25, ° α = 30 °)
- Cylindrical gear with spur teeth engaging outer - tooth angle ± 60 °, max / min diameter of 500 ... 120 mm
- Cylindrical gears with straight teeth internal gear: - the diameter of the machined gears with straight and helical teeth of the external gearing, 20 ... 500 mm. The largest outer diameter of the wheels when cutting the teeth of the internal gearing - 550 mm. Maximum width being cut external tooth gearing - 105 mm, internal gearing - 75 mm. Slice the module: - 2 ... 6 mm
- Bevel gears with straight teeth: - the maximum diameter of the workpiece - 500 mm, the largest module socket cut by wheels - 10 mm, maximum height / length of cut teeth - 22/90 mm, number of teeth, min / max, 10 ... 200, the highest gear the number of axes at an angle of between 90 ° - 10: 1
- Worm gears - the largest diameter of cut worm wheels - 800 mm
- Length of the drive sprocket roller chains according to State standard 13568-97 (DIN 8187 - ISO / R606): - maximum diameter of 600 mm, the chain pitch 9.525; 12.7; 15,875; 19.05; 25.4; 31.75;38.1; 44.45;
- Toothed pulleys for toothed belt drives: - Profile AT5, AT10, AT20, T5, T10, T20
- Splined shafts and bushings in accordance with State standard 1139-80
- Grinding of teeth: - outer diameter of the workpiece, min / max 30 ... 800 mm, normal modulus, min / max 1.5 ... 12, the number of teeth, min / max 10 ... 300, the angle of inclination of the teeth - ± 45 °
- Tooth running to adjust and control the touch spot position, measuring backlash and relative quietness bevel, hypoid (orthogonal and non-orthogonal), spur and worm gear: - the largest diameter of the wheel to run in - 500 mm, the module run in the wheels: - 2.5 ... 10 mm